How Do Watches Work Without Batteries? | 5 Facts

How Do Watches Work Without Batteries?

With the rise of smartwatches, we always get asked, “How do watches work without batteries? If you’ve ever wondered how watches work, this infographic will answer all of your questions. With the help of simple illustrations, this infographic will help you understand exactly how a watch works without the need for batteries. You’ll learn about … Read more

How do watches track sleep?

How do watches track sleep?

When you close your eyes, your ability to move around is limited. But there is a solution that could be closer than you think: smartwatches. They’re the latest accessory for any night owl who needs to know how much sleep they’re getting. Smartwatches track and record everything from how much sleep you’re getting to whether … Read more

Do Apple Watches Work With Android? (Here’s What You Need to Know)

Do Apple Watches Work With Android?

Whether you’re an iPhone user or prefer Android, you may still wonder if Apple watches will work with your phone and the answer isn’t as clear-cut as you might think. Do Apple Watches Work With Android? With varying degrees of compatibility between different watch models and operating systems, finding out whether Apple watches work with … Read more

Can Smart Watches Measure Blood Pressure:

Can Smart Watches Measure Blood Pressure

Can Smart Watches Measure Blood Pressure? Your blood pressure is a critical biometric that tells you a lot about what’s going on within your body. Even if you don’t have hypertension or a family history, monitoring your blood pressure value is crucial, especially as you get older or if you’re pregnant. Untreated high blood pressure … Read more